FTI ICIAN scaled

A common concern for companies considering an investment in energy generating assets, such as solar panels or microgrids, is that the money-saving projections are often based on ideal conditions.

In other words, if you build it, will the energy savings come?

FTI has created a uniquely personal approach to helping customers optimize the use of their Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) by connecting businesses with an FTI ICIAN.

What is an ICIAN?

An ICIAN is a specially trained FTI professional who serves as a conduit for clients to manage continuous improvement of their energy systems. For FTI’s energy customers, this hybrid, master technician specializes in three areas:

  1. Optimizing energy usage
  2. Lowering maintenance costs
  3. Improving facility operations

ICIANs accomplish these goals by collecting and analyzing data; becoming experts in technology related to smart energy, smart buildings and smart manufacturing plants; and controlling the process for continuous improvement for energy assets.

ICIANs help customers optimize the use of energy assets to get the most out of their investments.

Energy Asset Management

At FTI, Energy Asset Management involves four key areas along the Path to Smarter Energy™:

  1. People – ICIANs provide analysis, anticipate potential problems, offer advice, add in-house expertise and serve as a direct link to our engineers, architects, manufacturers and installers.
  2. Process – Our comprehensive capabilities incorporate full-solution service, ensuring unprecedented ease to every project. Through our process, customers receive the highest value, least expensive and most reliable electricity for their operations.
  1. Technology – Our ability to remotely monitor and control DERs enables a “constant presence” type of service that can range from a remote relationship to a hybrid model to a continuous on-site presence tailored to customer needs.
  2. Data – We collect valuable information throughout the entire life of the system in order to analyze existing opportunities and fine tune operations for optimum impact. As electricity loads change and utility rates and tariffs fluctuate, we continue to deliver optimal performance and savings.

Let’s examine what this looks like in real life using a recent case study. FTI acquired an active biogas facility in Dane County, Wisconsin, and created a system that uses anaerobic digesters to turn organic farm waste into renewable natural gas. As part of the project, we added a solar array with the intention of offsetting the power required to run the facility in hopes of creating a net-zero process. The ICIAN assigned to this project recognized that this facility did not use as much power as anticipated during the daytime hours. In response, the ICIAN recommended that the facility sell electricity back to the local utility during peak demand hours, creating an additional source of income.

How to Optimize DERs

Whether you want to improve your knowledge of energy asset management or choose to let FTI manage those resources on your behalf – or a combination of both – there are some clearly defined steps for optimizing your DERs; they are:

  • Measure and understand how you are using power.
  • Create a process for ongoing data analysis.
  • Shift energy usage to off-peak times whenever possible.
  • Look for unexpected opportunities to optimize your system.
  • Consider utilizing byproducts for a more comprehensive view of your energy system.
  • Take advantage of the expertise provided by an FTI ICIAN to support your efforts.

Optimizing your DERs is a continuous improvement project that should span the entire life cycle of your energy assets.

A Complete Solution

In the end, most businesses need to maximize profitability while using energy wisely. By utilizing an ICIAN energy expert, your investment in smarter energy doesn’t drift off course and lose efficiency over time, creating an ongoing relationship that continues to serve your best interests over the long term.

Contact us for more information about getting started on The Path to Smarter Energy. We can help you optimize your system with an end-to-end solution that doesn’t stop after installation. FTI will continue as your partner, advisor and ongoing expert for a team approach to smarter energy.