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The FTI blog brings you the latest industry news from our team of experts, with topics including engineering, electrical installation, industrialized construction, technology, renewable energy, wellness, safety and productivity and more.
02.07.2023 | Electrical Installation
As part of Children’s Wisconsin Milwaukee Campus Improvement Project (MCIP), FTI was chosen to replace four emergency power generation units which were nearing the end of their useful life, implementing improved power production at a new, centralized plant near the hospital but away from patient care areas.
READ MORE02.01.2023 | Distributed Energy Resources
Clean energy microgrids or battery storage systems can help EV customers and businesses reduce carbon emissions, increase resilience and control costs.
READ MORE01.25.2023 | Path to Smarter Energy™
Our Path to Smarter Energy helps our customers understand where they are at with their energy usage and guides them on reaching their energy and sustainability goals.
READ MORE01.11.2023 | Distributed Energy Resources
Many organizations are installing solar generation systems to support their energy goals, and there are several ways to maximize the use of the solar power generated.
READ MORE12.28.2022 | EV Charging Infrastructure
In 2022, we celebrated 50 years of World-Class Opportunities to Succeed, thanks to our team members, customers and partners, and are blazing an exciting trail for our next 50 years.
READ MORE11.08.2022 | Technology
Microgrids are distributed energy systems that include power generation and storage assets. Protecting these assets and your overall energy systems from cybersecurity attacks should be front and center.
READ MORE11.03.2022 | Distributed Energy Resources
When considering implementing solar, there are five key items to think about to ensure that your solar project and your final asset meet your energy production goals, and that this success is maintained over the life of the asset.
READ MORE09.27.2022 | Safety
Work-related musculoskeletal injuries are the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time in the construction industry. Although these injuries are common, they are easily preventable with proper planning and preparation.
READ MORE09.01.2022 | EV Charging Infrastructure
EV charging infrastructure can be complex. Finding a partner who can support your needs from start to finish removes the stress and ensures your energy needs are supported today and in the future.
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